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Câu 4 Unit 3 Trang 27 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 9

Complete the talk of a Peace Corps volunteer with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

Complete the talk of a Peace Corps volunteer with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

(Hoàn thành bài nói của  tình nguyên viên Peace Corps với dạng đúng của động từ trong hộp)

remember         will be         can stay          can take join

"I came here two years ago because I wanted to teach people about modern , health care. I will be leaving in about two months; I wish I___(a)____ longer, but it’s time for me to go home."

"My work here has been very interesting. I am learning so much. I always wish that there ___(b)___ more hours in the day so that I could do more. Maybe it's silly, but I worry about what will happen to the villagers after

I leave. I wish my students _____(c)____ all the things I've tried to teach them. I've become so close to the people here, I wish I_____ (d)___ them home with me! But of course that's impossible. I wish more people ______(e)____ the Peace Corps. It's so rewarding, and there's so much work to be done."





e) __________________                                                                          

Now answer. True or False?




f)  The volunteer taught the local people how to read and write.



g)  He stayed there for two years



h)  He does not want to stay there  longer.



i)  He loved his work very much



j)  He wanted to have more hours in the day to work more



k)  He believed everything would be good after he left



l) He could take local people home with him.



Đáp án

a) could stay                c) remembered                       e) joined

b)  would be                d) could take




f)  The volunteer taught the local people how to read and write.



g)  He stayed there for two years



h)  He does not want to stay there  longer.



i)  He loved his work very much



j)  He wanted to have more hours in the day to work more



k)  He believed everything would be good after he left



l) He could take local people home with him.



"I came here two years ago because I wanted to teach people about modern , health care. I will be leaving in about two months; I wish I could stay longer, but it’s time for me to go home."

"My work here has been very interesting. I am learning so much. I always wish that there would be more hours in the day so that I could do more. Maybe it's silly, but I worry about what will happen to the villagers after I leave. I wish my students remembered all the things I've tried to teach them. I've become so close to the people here, I wish I could take them home with me! But of course that's impossible. I wish more people joined the Peace Corps. It's so rewarding, and there's so much work to be done."


"Tôi đã đến đây 2 năm trước bởi vì tôi muốn dạy mọi người về chăm sóc sức khỏe hiện đại. Tôi sẽ ròi đ trong 2 tháng nữa; tôi ước tôi có thể ở lâu hơn, nhưng đã đến lúc tôi phải đi.

Công việc của tôi ở đây vẫn rất là thú vị. Tôi học hỏi được rất nhiều. Tôi luôn ước sẽ có nhiều giờ hơn trong 1 ngày để tôi có thể làm nhiều việc hơn. Có thể nó thật ngốc, nhưng tôi lo lắng chuyện sẽ xảy ra với dân làng sau khi tôi rời đi. Tôi ước học sinh của tôi nhớ tất cả những thứ tôi đã cố gắng để dạy họ. Tôi càng ngày gần gũi hơn với mọi người ở đâ, Tôi ước có thể dẫn theo họ về nhà với tôi. Nhưng nó dĩ nhiê là không  thể. Tôi ước có nhiều người tham gia Peace Corps. Nó thực sự bổ ích, có nhều công việc cần làm.


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